Join a Serve Team!
Serve Teams
Remnant Worship is made up of dedicated musicians, vocalists, and sound engineers whose hearts have one goal in mind; to worship God! Being a part of Remnant Worship is not just about talent, it is about having the heart to be team minded with the desire to lead others into worship before God. From weekly practices, early Sunday practices, writing our own music, vocal coaching, and advancing in areas of technology our worship is continually evolving. Like we say to our first-time visitors, “Worship is the heartbeat that sets the rhythm of Remnant Church!”
Production and Media:
If you have an interest in computers, running cameras, or lighting, then our Production/Media Team may just be the place for you. This team works behind the scenes making sure our services, videos, and live coverage run to their fullest potential. This also includes photography and taking pictures of the life of our church from services to special events and more. As we continue to grow in this area, we need more hands to make the work light and efficient. Keep in mind that our knowledge is expanding in this field and we are excited to learn together with you. Advancement brings new challenges, and new challenges bring about stronger teams.
Creative Services:
This is the place to get those creative juices flowing! In the areas such as graphic design, advertising, social media and more, there is a place for you to put those gifts to use. We believe everyone has been given a specific gift and in todays day and age with the growth of technology and social media, creative services are needed more than ever. The Creative Services Team is also a big part of stage design for sermon series as well as decorating for special events. Our Creative team helps bring life to the vision of Remnant Church.
First Impressions/Hospitality:
Whether serving in the coffee bar, helping in the parking lot, welcoming guests at the front door, in the lobby, or the sanctuary; we have a place for you. Our First Impressions/Hospitality Team is key to our church. All it takes is one smile, one hug, or one welcoming “Hello” to touch the heart of another. You may be just the one to bring that sense of “home” feel to someone who needs it most.
City Care:
Here at Remnant, we believe that it is Our City, Our Responsibility! City Care was created to fulfill that responsibility by reaching our city through various forms of outreach. Join us as we serve our city! Volunteer opportunities take place in our food giveaways, the City-Wide Easter Egg Hunt, City Clean-up Days, and much more. City Care is a great way to live out our Mission: Reaching people with the love of God right where they are! Get involved today and make a difference in the lives around you.
Facilities Team:
As our church community grows, we have opportunities for volunteers to help with the cleaning and maintenance of our facility. It is our responsibility to take care of the house God has given us to gather in, and to keep it in excellence. This also includes any construction or building projects we may have in process at any given time. You may possess just the skill needed to get the job done. The facilities team volunteers can assist in numerous areas both during weekend services and throughout the week. The church is just like a home and there is always something that can be done.
Remnant Kids:
There is no better place to serve than Remnant Kids! These kids are the next leaders of the church, and we love to invest in them. Whether you are loving on the babies in the Infants Room, developing basic skills in the Movers Room, teaching the beginning stages of loving Jesus in the Pre-K room, or setting the foundational building blocks of a personal relationship with God in Kids Church; there is never a shortage of ways to change a child’s life. Serving in Remnant Kids will change your life along with theirs. Do not miss your opportunity to be the difference today for tomorrows leaders! Every volunteer must have a background check done to serve in this area.
Remnant Youth:
We desire to help youth thrive and not just survive their middle and high school years. As a youth leader you can encourage students that their identity is found only in Christ and living out loud for him should be the norm. We use life experiences to teach them the fundamentals of following God while reaching them at their level. We get loud, crazy, wild, and free in our methods, but the message of Jesus stays the same. If Jesus is the answer, then why not let them see the answer through you!